Welcome to CustomEx
We specialise in the Diesel Fuel Refund system, where we facilitate:
- Customised, integrated software and hardware, to ensure the smooth running of your logging process, data collection and data integrity.
- Access to a system that will furnish SARS with a full audit trail and ensure compliance and eligibility.
- A system that provides up-to-the-minute live tank measurements and records of all receipts & issues.
- Continuous data monitoring and feedback.
We will also help you with ensuring that you have the correct registration for different activities like farming, forestry and mining, among others. Our systems will ensure that you are compliant and make you eligible for successful refund claims. Read More
About Us

Customs and Excise Duty
Diesel Refund System
Should you encounter any issues with SARS, we can help with your appeal in the case of non-compliance; which includes assistance with the drafting and submitting of the appeal.
Our Specialist
Andrew Hancock
Andrew was born in Johannesburg on 15th July 1963, and schooled at Linpark High School where he matriculated in 1980. He was accepted at SARS (Receiver of Revenue) in January 1981 and in July of that year attended compulsory military service. He served for 26 years at SARS and contributed in the Sales Tax Inspectorate as an inspector and later Team Leader of an inspection team. He then led a VAT audit team for several years and later moved into higher management in the Employees Tax division and later the Tax Debt Recovery division. Leaving SARS in 2006, he involved himself with Eskom in the Energy Loss division where he conducted and administered electricity metering audits, and loss calculation and recovery.
He has an amateur interest in anthropology and reads literature on the subject.

Contact Us
Phone: +27 (0) 33 343 0800
Fax: +27 (0) 33 343 0811
Email: consultant@customex.co.za
Physical Address:
28 Hilton Avenue
Postal Address:
PO Box 456